Kailey's Joy
R.D. Korvemaker
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Another Day in Benton: Book Three
Life is getting easier and harder for Kailey Martin. Ever since Logan became a Christian, he has been willing to help with Chelsey, taking her to classes and holding her hand to and from the bus stop. But he also causes Kailey concern as he continues to put off visiting his father. Doesn’t he want to at least try to have a relationship with his dad? Besides worrying about Logan, she’s anxious about Mark. Will he ever ask her out again? And then there’s Amanda and her diet, which Kailey thinks might be going a little too far.
Softcover Trim Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Page Count: 200
About the Author:
R.D. Korvemaker is a small-town girl from southwestern Ontario where she works as a full-time nanny for a family with four children. In her spare time she teaches music, bikes, reads, everything (from shampoo bottles to Dr. Seuss to Puritans), hangs out with friends and family, and blogs (byjotandtittle.blogspot.ca). She likes dark chocolate, bananas, cheese, the bottom of ice cream cones, and cauliflower… though not mixed together.