Life Abundant & Free:<br><small>Finding a Rich and Satisfying Life in Christ</small>

Life Abundant & Free:
Finding a Rich and Satisfying Life in Christ

Rebekah Clearwater

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This is a testimony of a girl who found Christ through the dark struggle of anorexia. She was 98 pounds, at the brink of disaster, literal bones, with no life to give. It was here she recognized her need for a Saviour. She discovered the only place left to run was to the foot of the cross—pleading for mercy.

My name is Rebekah Clearwater and this is my story. I am here to testify that Christ gives life. He heals. He restores. He breaks every chain!

He is the same yesterday, today, and forever… He saved me, and wants to do the same for you. Not only to give you salvation, but new life. A new identity. Christ's life to come alive in you!

Let us seek Him while He may be found (Isaiah 55:6, NKJV).

Journey with me and discover what it means to be a child of the Most High King. Come to know the completing love of a Father who is for you, who goes great lengths to call you His own, who not only knows you, but can be known. Begin to grasp your Father’s heart. Discover His precious promises.

His love for you, perfect. His plans for you, out of this world. The life He has for you, abundant and free!

Softcover Trim Size: 5 x 7

Page Count: 200

About the Author:

Rebekah Clearwater grew up in southern Saskatchewan. She was brought up in a Christian home with parents whose deepest desire for each of their children was that they would seek the Lord and find Him. Rebekah became inspired to write in the last five years. Her writing began with words in a journal, quickly jumping to creating her own blog, and now publishing her first book. Rebekah bursts with life when she is given the opportunity to share with another brother or sister their worth in Christ. She is passionate about writing for others. Her heart has always been to encourage others, to stir them up in the hope they have in Christ. She wants others to know the full life they have been freely given—found in Him.