My Homesteader's Heritage
Laurence Croswell
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My Homesteader’s Heritage is an account of the bravery and perseverance of two families who left family and friends in Europe to immigrate and homestead in Canada. They overcame the difficulties and hardships of a frontier land to pass on a legacy of faith, determination, hard work, and success for their children to follow and emulate.
The Croswell and Stebner families originated from two differing cultures and countries, but they came together in 1943 when Leonard married Ella. It’s a miniature story of pioneering in Canada and the blending together of differing customs and traditions. My Homesteader’s Heritage is about waving goodbye to the “old country” to welcome a new way of life in a new land of opportunity.
Softcover Trim Size: 5 x 8
Page Count: 152
About the Author:
Laurence Croswell was senior pastor of Centennial Road Standard Church, Brockville, Ontario, for forty years. His formative growing-up years were spent on the family homestead in Newbrook, Alberta. He began his education in a one room country school, eventually attended the University of Alberta, and became a teacher, singer, pastor, and writer. Since retiring from the pastoral ministry, he serves Western Canada as an assistant superintendent with the Wesleyan Church.