Amazing Abundance: <br><small>For Those Who Struggle Living Paycheck to Paycheck</small>

Amazing Abundance:
For Those Who Struggle Living Paycheck to Paycheck

John Chalkias

Regular price $15.99 Sale

Amazing Abundance encourages its readers that God has a wonderful financial plan for each of us. We don't have to settle for poverty, debt, and living paycheck to paycheck.

This book lays out a step-by-step plan to get people out of poverty, moving them out of a poverty mindset and into one of abundance and generosity. From an abundant perspective you will discover that God is a generous Father who loves to give good gifts to His children.

Amazing Abundance draws out rich nuggets of financial wisdom found hidden in plain sight in the Bible.

Softcover Trim Size: 5 x 8

Page Count: 96

About the Author:

John Chalkias serves as the executive director and co-founder of Seeds of Hope Children's Ministry and is the author of You Too Can Have an Amazing Life. His desire is to help people, no matter what their circumstance or where they live, to move out of poverty to abundant and victorious living. John and his wife Susan live in Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada.