The Third Season:<br><small>A Memoir of Considered Thoughts While Aging</small>

The Third Season:
A Memoir of Considered Thoughts While Aging

Lynn Wyvill

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Seniors now comprise nearly one quarter of Canada’s population. This startling statistic surprises many, including the seniors who find themselves within this category. Retirees are frequently ill-prepared to deal with the physical and cultural components that encompass the privilege of living a retired life. The Third Season explores the intimate truths of an aging senior woman, whose decisions and understandings have formed her present reality. Growing up in the 1950’s and becoming a wife and mother in the 1960’s, the author made decisions within the context of her time. Many of the paths she took were good ones. Some were reactionary, according to the pressure of world events and familial shifts around her. From the luxury of retirement, she grapples with how these actions led to her existing physical and emotional health. Through gentle and open thoughtfulness, she steps out of societal expectations to embrace her truths.

Softcover Trim Size: 5 x 7

Page Count: 112

About the Author:

Lynn Wyvill, a graduate of the Creative Writing programme at Humber College, is a retired teacher and an award-winning poet. Writing has always been a component of her life, providing solace and mentorship while struggling with changes as she has aged. She has published one nonfiction work, and various short stories and poems. Writing The Third Season in her 70’s, she is immersed in the real-life contradictions of aging.