Identity in Exodus:
Journey with Moses from Identity Crisis into Missional Community
Nikki T. White
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2020 Braun Book Awards Winner (Non-Fiction).
Moses was a misfit. Are you?
Those of us whose sense of self has been buffeted by trauma, mental illness, culture shock, post-modern ideologies and the like—we are kindred spirits to this biblical patriarch. Journeying through the book of Exodus, Nikki White explores the topic of identity crisis in the life of Moses, inviting us to discover—through the ordinary, extraordinary, and unthinkable events of our lives—a new identity of purposed and purposeful mission.
In the ancient story of Moses, White finds many modern parallels to the stories of this current generation. She examines the different forms of identity crisis faced by millennials, missionaries, migrants, the marginalized, and the grievously misunderstood. Interspersing their stories throughout the book, White offers well-researched insights into some of the sources of identity crisis in North America. Relating the ways in which God has woven her own personal brokenness into his overarching story of redemption, she leads readers to see how God can impart profound meaning to the seemingly random chapters of life.
This book helps us to find our identity and calling within the bigger scope of God’s divine narrative. For we, like Moses, are being sent.
Softcover Trim Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Page Count: 200
About the Author:
Nikki White writes for MULTIPLY, the global mission agency of the Mennonite Brethren Church. While gathering and publishing stories from all over the world, White serves the local and global Church through teaching, prayer seminars, and training of short- and long-term missionaries. She attends North Langley Community Church in B.C., Canada, where she oversees curriculum development and training for prayer ministry.