Epic Grandparenting

Epic Grandparenting:
Dozens of Creative Ideas for Entertaining Children

Fern Boldt

Regular price $20.99 Sale

Remember when you held your first grandchild? Every grunt and squeak, every adorable sneeze and snort, fascinated you. And you fell in love. Later, the baby’s siblings and cousins added to your joy. You played peek-a-boo and hide-and-seek and baked cookies together.

If you’re looking for more exciting ways to engage with your grandchildren and enjoy your time with them to the fullest, this book is for you. One day you’ll only be a memory for your grandchildren. Make it a good one!

Softcover Trim Size: 7.5 x 9.25

Page Count: 120

About the Author:

Fern Boldt is a children’s book author and illustrator. Her novel, Blemished Heart, won the 2014 Word Guild Award for best young adult fiction. She and her husband Peter have four sons, nine grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.