Made to Live:
A Physician's Journey to Save Life
Paul Saba M.D.
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Made to Live depicts a physician’s journey to save lives. Dr. Paul Saba begins his story with the battle to save the life of his baby girl, Jessica, who was born with a severe congenital cardiac malformation. He describes the challenges of facing difficult diagnoses through both his personal experiences and those of his patients. This book debunks the myths of euthanasia and assisted suicide. Dr. Saba’s battle has taken him to the Canadian courts, where he has been silenced from challenging Canada’s euthanasia laws. He has been forbidden from utilizing the Canadian Constitution or presenting his arguments in court to oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide. Dr. Saba believes no one can know what the future holds. Hope and loving support can overcome many obstacles in life’s journey. In the end, we are all “made to live,” as his daughter Jessica inscribed on one of her paintings at seven years old.
"In this context of physician collaborators who are acting against humanity, the work of Dr. Paul Saba shows tremendous courage, tenacity, and exceptional humanity."
— Georges Casteur, M.D.
Former Medical Superintendent, BZIO (Rehabilitation Hospital, Ostend, Belgium)
Past Chairman, Medical Board of West Flanders
"...[A]n engaging and very personal story about the reason for Dr. Saba’s conviction that every country or jurisdiction that legalizes Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD) is making a fatal mistake... I fully recommend this book to everyone—especially all those who think that the issue of Medical Aid in Dying does not have very much to do with their lives. They may be faced with this issue sooner than they think."
— Helena D’Arcy
Author, Sweden
"Dr. Paul Saba’s personal journey to save life demonstrates his caring heart not only for his family but all those around him in the world whom he considers part of his extended family. He recognizes assisted suicide and euthanasia are neither caring nor compassionate. "
—Nancy Elliott
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition USA
"In this book, we see Dr. Paul Saba as a loving father, a practicing physician and a devout believer in life. He presents facts and arguments, but also personal experiences which show why a civilized society should never open the door to euthanasia."
— Per Ewert
Director, Clapham Institute, Sweden
"Dr. Paul Saba combines his professional insights with personal experience to shape a deep, principled defense of the most vulnerable members of our communities, each one unique and precious. This is a book that will impact me for years to come."
— Catherine Glenn Foster, M.A., J.D.
President & CEO, Americans United for Life
"The book you are about to read could be considered one of the most significant literary works of our time addressing the issue of euthanasia and assisted suicide. This issue is plaguing our nation’s collective mindset, which sadly is determined to model for the world a progressive culture. In Made to Live, Dr. Paul Saba has articulated with clarity an academic, intellectual, moral, and spiritual argument promoting life and living with dignity, providing end of life care that honours life and the natural process of dying. From his wealth of wisdom and life experiences as a medical physician, he exposes the erroneous and diabolical strategies that promote ending life as a convenient solution by debunking the five myths that govern and legitimize assisted suicide by medical practitioners and patients. His response to them is brilliant, leaving no doubt in the mind of any reader that there is never any justification for euthanasia or assisted suicide."
— Rev. Giulio Lorefice Gabeli
Senior Pastor, Westwood Church, Vancouver, B.C.
"Dr. Paul Saba’s book, Made to Live, beats heroically against the powerful currents of fatalism and materialism that dominate our culture. These inspirational pages are filled with wisdom and boundless humanity, as he illuminates the true nature of compassion and dignity in treating society’s most vulnerable members. We should all be so lucky to have our own version of Dr. Saba at our side—and on our side—during the loneliest stage of life’s journey."
— Barbara Kay
Journalist & Author, Canada
"In Made to Live, Dr. Paul Saba has provided a timely reminder of the underlying principles of medicine, which are to heal, promote health, and alleviate suffering, and to resist the temptation of killing the patient. Outlining his personal, family, and professional struggles to resist pressure coming from within the medical profession to take human life rather than preserve and cherish it, he provides valuable insight into the dangers posed to true medicine by the corrupting influence of the spread of euthanasia and assisted suicide. With reference to the history of the euthanasia movement, he shows that it is fundamentally opposed to the principles of medicine."
— Dr. Gordon Macdonald
CEO, Care Not Killing, London, UK
"In Made to Live, Dr. Saba describes his personal journey leading him to oppose strongly the euthanasia laws giving physicians the legal power to choose between life and death. However, for him it is utterly clear that physicians shouldn’t be in the business of killing, since the role of the physician is to give hope and to protect life. I endorse this book, and I do hope that many people will read it. Choosing death is definitely not the right solution to face the urgent problems in this century. We are indeed all Made to Live."
— Tom Mortier, Ph.D.
Lecturer, Author, & Anti-Euthanasia Activist, Belgium
"I consider Dr. Paul Saba to truly be a canary in the coal mine, alerting the world about the fatal flaws associated with euthanasia and assisted suicide.... This book is an incredible addition to the arsenal of data and stories upholding the value of human life and enunciating why killing people is not only bad public policy but simply wrong."
—Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director & International Chair, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition
"Made to Live penetrates through the haze of the hype and lays out the facts you need to know. Read this book in order to educate yourself about “Medical Aid in Dying” before it is presented as an option to you, your loved ones, or your friends. This is a riveting must-read that you won’t be able to put down."
— David Stevens, MD, M.A. (Ethics)
CEO Emeritus, Christian Medical & Dental Associations
"Having lived in a wheelchair for more than fifty years, I personally understand the difficult challenges of living with a disability. I have spent the majority of my life educating policy makers and well-meaning physicians about the dangers of physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia. People with disabilities need advocates like Dr. Paul Saba, who personally knows that the hard choice to help someone live with disability is the right choice, no matter the cost to society or caregivers. Made to Live: A Physician’s Journey to Save Life is an honest, heart-wrenching personal journey of a father and a physician proving that life is worth saving, and no one is 'better off dead.'”
— Joni Eareckson Tada
Founder & CEO, Joni and Friends International Disability Center
Softcover Trim Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Page Count: 144
About the Author:
Dr. Paul Saba is a physician who has studied, trained, and worked in Canada and the United States, and internationally in war-torn Lebanon and Somalia, in Bangladesh, Honduras, the Ivory Coast, and Haiti.