Her Scars:
Revealing the Secrets for Emotional Healing
Karleen Mungal
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He promised that he would never hurt you like that, and you believed him. Life was good, calm, serene—you felt like you were living in a dream.
Then it came to pass that a storm descended upon your dream. Dark clouds hovered and lightning flashed. Arguments brewed, but the storm settled and soon the sun came out and your heart was safe. He showed you he cared and that he would be your hero even in the storms. Other storms came, but you survived together.
One day in the midst of a storm, he turned to you and broke his promises. He walked the plank, dove into the ocean, and swam away from your sinking ship. All hope for love vanished, and you were left alone in the dark. Your heart was that beleaguered ship, and you watched as it sank beneath the merciless seas.
Heartbreak. It’s a challenge we almost all face at some point in our lives. Despite it being one of the most devastating and pivotal events a person can endure, though, it is far from hopeless.
Whether you’re going through heartbreak right now or are unable to move past it, this book is a guide to your healing process. Its unique perspective offers personal and scientific insight into relationships. You can heal, grow, and move forward in your life and relationships with renewed confidence. The question is, will you take the first step?
Softcover Trim Size: 5 x 8
Page Count: 144
About the Author:
Karleen Mungal is an author and poet from Ontario, Canada. The eldest of seven children, she grew up travelling the world with her missionary parents. Karleen is a registered nurse and has been working in the mental health field for six years. Her unique upbringing, career, and faith in Jesus Christ has given her a burning passion to serve others. She is currently in the process of completing her Masters of Nursing at Athabasca University. Her poetic works can be viewed on her blog, Her Life.