Navigating through Spiritual Transitions

Navigating through Spiritual Transitions

Michael Scantlebury

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We are all in transition. It’s a natural phase of life for us. Transitions can take many forms, as I am sure you’ve experienced yourself.

Transitions build stories and reveal the history of our lives. They happen whether you desire them to or not. There is no way around them unless you are dead. So, if you are choosing life, anticipate and prepare for transitions. They are coming and will come again.

According to the dictionary, a “transition” is a Movement, Passage, or Change from One Position to Another. The word “transition” is often used in human services to refer to the general process of someone moving, or being moved, from one set of services or circumstances to another.

As Christians, each transition period we go through, God is leading us to ensure that we come into the fullness of all that He has promised in and through our local houses/churches. This leading He does with the many local houses/churches across the earth that are also experiencing various transition periods! However, I believe that there are dangers to be aware of in this journey as we stride towards our destiny.

Every leader regardless of his or her calling in life will experience seasons of transition. We make the common assumption that once we've arrived at a certain place that we are beyond being tested. It is not so! Those who serve closest to a leader when in transition must know how to stick in both good and bad times. Times of certainty and times of uncertainty.

It is my earnest prayer that this book will aide you in your times of transition!

Softcover Trim Size: 6 x 9

Page Count: 128

About the Author:

Michael Scantlebury is the founder and Senior Elder of Dominion-Life International Ministries, and the Apostle and Founder Emeritus of the Kingdom-impact International Network, now led by his spiritual son Apostle Brandon Bailey of Teleios, South Africa. He travels and ministers a strong Kingdom message out of a burning desire to see the Church come to full maturity for greater function on earth. He has also established a free Digital Library Legacy Vault, at, with over 30 of his published books. He also offers many of his teaching series for free download at