No Stone Left Unturned:
A Fourteen Year Travel Adventure through the Bible Lands
Roy and Evelyn Turkington
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This book is designed to introduce the reader to many of the major narratives of the Bible, beginning with Abraham and other patriarchs, Israel’s Judges and Prophets, Jesus Christ, Paul, and John’s Seven Churches in Revelation. This covers considerable geography from Iran (biblical Persia) and Iraq in the east, through Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Israel, and Lebanon, to Turkey, Greece, and Italy in the west. It is not a theological text, but mostly the Turkington’s travel logs from 1991–2004 when they had the opportunity to visit almost all known Bible sites.
Often their experiences were funny, exciting, frustrating, sometimes daring, and on occasion a little dangerous. Together, with their two children, they drove through fields, along tracks, through fruit groves and shallow rivers, and into some quite intimidating areas. They were pummeled by stones several times, robbed three times, stopped by police or army five times, and had many exciting border crossings (including one where they were within seconds of being shot by Israeli border guards,) and they had one car accident—this all to experience these Bible lands.
Softcover Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 376
About the Author:
Roy and Evelyn Turkington were born and married in Northern Ireland and immigrated to Canada in 1976. Roy was a Professor of Botany at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, from 1977–2015 and is now Professor Emeritus. Roy and Evelyn have been married forty-six years, have two children, Alistair and Andrea, and seven grandchildren. They have traveled widely in over eighty-five countries, including Iran, Iraq, and North Korea, and they have lived in Wales, Israel, Turkey, China, and Argentina. From 1992–93, their family lived in Jerusalem, which was the unintentional springboard for the travels described in this book.