There's a Place Deep inside Called Courage:
A Memoir
Hedy R. Wiebe
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Word Alive Press 2019 Free Publishing Contest Winner (Non-Fiction).
One moment in time can change the course of our whole lives.
On July 31, 1999, life as she knew it stopped for Hedy Wiebe. While she and a friend were driving on a Manitoba highway, a van ran a stop sign, and they hit the passenger side of the van head-on with enough force to send them rolling.
Sitting in the passenger seat, Hedy suffered extreme trauma to both her body and her mind. Her injuries included broken ribs and ankles, abdominal trauma, tendon and muscle injuries. Add a closed head injury and it would take years of rehabilitation before she could truly begin to heal.
Throughout the trauma, God’s presence and the blessing of ministering angels kept Hedy’s spirit alert and vibrant. Dealing with the pain, the frustration, and the discouragement gave her a new understanding of Christ being courage deep in our hearts.
There’s a Place Deep inside Called Courage will inspire readers in all seasons of life to seek God’s healing touch and to trust Him completely to meet every need. It is a testimony of faith to the glory of God.
Softcover Trim Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Page Count: 138
About the Author:
Hedy R. Wiebe was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba and grew up on a farm. She has been married to her husband, Don, since 1972. They raised two amazing children, Aaron and Andrea, and they love grandparenting their beautiful grandchildren. Hedy and Don enjoy living in Rosenort, Manitoba.