The Reluctant Caregiver:
Navigating the Turmoil of the Sandwich Generation
Bobbi Junior
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Word Alive Press 2014 Free Publishing Contest Winner (Non-Fiction).
“This book stands out like a lion among alley cats.”
— Phil Callaway
Speaker, author, editor of Servant Magazine
“Bobbi Junior's book, The Reluctant Caregiver, provides insight into how to help an aged and dependent parent, with or without dementia, in a respectful way. It also provides insight into how you can enter into God's grace to enable you to do the right thing for your parent, setting aside your own agenda, to discover God is also at work changing you.”
— Pastor Brad Olson
Richmond Park Church, Edmonton, AB
"Some say courage is fear that has said its prayers.
Bobbi may be married with two grown children, but the child inside still fears and resents the attacks and tirades of her ninety-year-old mother, now afflicted with dementia. While still a teenager, Bobbi was disowned by her mother. How can she now take on the role of caregiver?
Bobbi seeks escape from the task, but gradually realizes that Jesus has a greater goal in mind than teaching her to be a caregiver. Crisis after crisis forces Bobbi to turn to Jesus for help, all the while testing to see if his promises can be taken literally. Is he in charge? Will he work things out? Is his plan perfect?
The Reluctant Caregiver calls out to an entire generation of individuals who have found themselves in a similar situation to Bobbi’s. She tells the story candidly, often humorously, as she comes to a deeper understanding of dementia, her mother, and most of all, Jesus.
Read and weep. Laugh and pray. Gain courage and perspective of your own!
Softcover Trim Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Page Count: 272
About the Author:
Bobbi Junior writes and speaks about caregiving, drawing from two life-altering experiences—a devastating accident which left her teenage daughter paralyzed, and her mother’s journey with dementia. She has published her daughter’s experience in an anthology, Telling Truths: Storying Motherhood. Bobbi lives and works in Edmonton, Alberta. She belongs to two active writing groups, as well as InScribe Christian Writers Fellowship and The Word Guild. Visit her blog at www.bobbijunior.com.